Whenever you have this feeling you wonder: Is this the way i am supposed to feel? You know, there´s a lot of bad stuff going on anywhere you look at: slaughtery, desperation, poverty, injustice taken to the worst level ever witnessed… But there’s also a lot of reasons to smile: Have you ever felt such great affection? I mean, all of a sudden there’s a big sense of friendship going all over every single guy or girl you know, enhancing the chances to spend memorable times. A phrase here, a look there, true signs of trust and love that are given in such an easy manner that it’s impossible not to put your mind at ease with such great gifts.
And so there’s a constrast between what you ought and what you actually do. No matter how far you look for, it happens the same with religious beliefs and moral choices; formal sensitive responses and real emotional actions. There’s always a huge difference that can either lead you to grief and responsability or amusement and inconsistency.
It seems as the latter was needed in order to cope with misery and despair. Is it then that good has to be founded on the basis of common indifference? Should hipocresy and its followers be the hope of mankind to restablish a long lost and greatly needed order?
Could it be possible that good will can be preserved in the middle of vile and cruel thinking? Could this be the path the true hero has to follow in order to defeat the unbeatable beast in which global domination has turned?
Again we can either laugh and love or sob and suffer.
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